E-Learning Courses
Opens 2025 Mar 17 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline 2025 Jul 4 05:00 PM (EDT)

WIL e-Learning Course Registration

ICTC offers a unique and highly engaging way to learn about the impact of technology on emerging industries in the digital economy. Our self-directed courses offer a practical and strategic learning journey to help students achieve their personal and professional goals within the information and technology spheres.

We offer online, self-paced courses in:

  • Green Supply Chain
  • Green Transportation
  • Management Consulting
  • Soft-skills course: Agile Industry Mindset (AIM)
  • Accessibility in Tech
  • Advanced Manufacturing: Internet of Everything
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data Fundamentals and Impact
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Service Innovation & Design Thinking
  • Telecom, IoT, & 5G
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Clean Energy and Pathways to Net Zero
  • Digital Transformation

Students in WIL Digital placements are eligible to register for the WIL e-Learning courses. 

If you are not in a WIL Digital work placement, you may be eligible to participate if you meet the below requirements: 

  1. You are a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 
  2. You are an enrolled student at a Canadian accredited post-secondary education institution

If you can't see your application/apply button, please login here. Then, click on your username then “My account”. Scroll down and you should see “Become an applicant” click on it and "Save". 

For any inquiries, please email the Wil delivery team at: wil_elearning@ictc-ctic.ca  or visit https://etalentcanada.ca/for-job-seekers/programs/wil-digital-e-learning-courses. 


E-Learning Courses

WIL e-Learning Course Registration

ICTC offers a unique and highly engaging way to learn about the impact of technology on emerging industries in the digital economy. Our self-directed courses offer a practical and strategic learning journey to help students achieve their personal and professional goals within the information and technology spheres.

We offer online, self-paced courses in:

  • Green Supply Chain
  • Green Transportation
  • Management Consulting
  • Soft-skills course: Agile Industry Mindset (AIM)
  • Accessibility in Tech
  • Advanced Manufacturing: Internet of Everything
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data Fundamentals and Impact
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Service Innovation & Design Thinking
  • Telecom, IoT, & 5G
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Clean Energy and Pathways to Net Zero
  • Digital Transformation

Students in WIL Digital placements are eligible to register for the WIL e-Learning courses. 

If you are not in a WIL Digital work placement, you may be eligible to participate if you meet the below requirements: 

  1. You are a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 
  2. You are an enrolled student at a Canadian accredited post-secondary education institution

If you can't see your application/apply button, please login here. Then, click on your username then “My account”. Scroll down and you should see “Become an applicant” click on it and "Save". 

For any inquiries, please email the Wil delivery team at: wil_elearning@ictc-ctic.ca  or visit https://etalentcanada.ca/for-job-seekers/programs/wil-digital-e-learning-courses. 

2025 Mar 17 12:00 AM (EDT)
2025 Jul 4 05:00 PM (EDT)